Lessons from Babylon

This series is on themes from the Book of Daniel that speak to life in a culture hostile to our faith.

Brave Old World
Sometimes Babylon gets religion for a while.

Who's in Charge Here?
In spite of present difficulties, God is in control, and he will have the final victory.

This Far, No Further
Know where you’re going to draw a line. And then draw it.

We The Few
Be prepared to stand firm in your convictions no matter how few people are on your side.

Stronger Together
Don’t try to go it alone; we’re so much stronger together.

Serving God in Babylon
Serve God where he puts you.

Just a Pinch of Incense
Obedience matters most when it’s easier to disobey.

But If Not
Be determined to obey no matter the consequences.

Bearing Bad News
Be ready to deliver the bad news no matter the risk.

Ten Times Better
Strive to be the absolute best at what you do, both technically and morally.

Enemies and Friends
Our excellent work and character will cause the enemies of the gospel to hate us even more.

Don’t expect your friends to save you from persecution.

When Enough is Enough
God will not be mocked forever.

The End of the Matter
Jesus Wins