Introduction to Christianity 101
Bible (Bibliology)
Introduction to the Bibliology
- Why do we trust the Bible?
- Do we have what the writers wrote?
- Did the gospel writers intend to tell the truth?
- Did the gospel writers know what they were talking about?
- Do we have any external verification of the gospels?
- How do we know there’s anything supernatural about the Bible?
- But how do we know the Bible is true?
- Do we have the right books?
Introduction to Theology Proper
- The Existence of God: The Cosmological Argument
- The Existence of God: The Design Argument
- The Existence of God: The Moral Argument
- God Can be Known
- God is Spirit
- God is
- God is Holy
- God is Love
- God is Just
- God is Triune
- God is Our Maker
- Aside: When Did God Create?
- Sidebar: Christians and the Environment
- God is Sovereign
- God is not a Monster
Introduction to Anthropology
Christ (Christology)
Introduction to Christology
- Did Jesus Exist?
- The History of the Deity of Christ
- Did Jesus Claim to be God?
- The Virgin Birth
- The Incarnation
- The Work of Christ in His Mortal Life
- The Work of Christ in His Death and Resurrection
- Facets of the Atonement
- Evidence for the Resurrection
- Aside: The Odds of Jesus
- The Work of Christ in the Present
Introduction to Pneumatology
- The Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit
- The Mission of the Holy Spirit
- The Work of the Holy Spirit
Introduction to Soteriology
The Church (Ecclesiology)
Introduction to Ecclesiology
Introduction to Eschatology
Introduction to the Problem of Evil
An Evangelical Creed
Related: Systematic Theology Buyer’s Guide
Introduction to Ecclesiology
- What is the Church?
- Pictures of the Church
- Why Do We Gather?
- Church Done Right
- Church Gone Wrong
- So. Many. Churches.
Introduction to Eschatology
- What Happens When We Die?
- The Return of Christ to Judge the Quick and the Dead
- The Believer's Final Fate
- An Eternal Perspective
Introduction to the Problem of Evil
An Evangelical Creed
Related: Systematic Theology Buyer’s Guide