Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Sovereignty of God in Traffic

traffic jam

I believe in the sovereignty of God. Except when I'm in traffic. When I'm stuck behind someone going 40 in a 55 on a country road where it's impossible to pass, or when I'm caught in stop and go traffic on the freeway, it's easy to forget that I believe that God is in control. My frustration over my schedule, where I want to be, or just how fast I want to go can distract me from the truth.

We believe that God's control extends to everything, no matter how small. We believe that God has a plan that he is working out. The scriptures say that God leads kings where he wants them to go and manages the diets of sparrows. Nothing is too big or too small for God's sovereignty.

In case you hadn't noticed, there's an election coming up. Lately it seems like every election is billed as "the most important election in history," but the stakes will be high in this one. Not only are very different viewpoints vying for control, but, since politics has devolved to the control of the Supreme Court, and since there are at least two justices not likely to serve for another four years, the next president will get to shape the nation for decades to come.

It's easy to feel anxious about that. The stakes are high, emotions are high, and the world is crazy. It's hard to predict how next weekend will work out, much less an election. It's easy to be distracted by all the drama.

When you feel anxious about the election — or anything else — take a deep breath and tell yourself that God is in control.

That doesn't mean that God will do what you want him to. God sometimes gives us the things we don't want. And the scriptures are clear that sometimes he gives us exactly the harmful thing that we do want. Our society is sick, and sometimes people want bad things. God may give it to them (cf, Rom 1:18-32).

What do we do? Pray and trust God (Phil 4:4-9). Pray that God will not give us the leaders we deserve but leaders that will lead us toward righteousness. Also pray that, however the election works out, people will be respectful and peaceful toward one another.

And remember that God is in control. In human terms, after a presidential election, one of two people will be the next president. The numerous minor parties have no chance of actually winning. But the God who parts the sea, who leads kings around by the nose can put whomever he pleases into office. Trust God can and will do as he sees fit.

But whether we get what we think is good or what we think is bad, a good God is in control. He is working everything out according to his holy, loving, just plan. When your party loses the election, when your kids are giving you trouble, when a pandemic is raging, and when you're stuck in traffic, remind yourself God is on his throne, and he wants what is best for you.

May I suggest spending some time meditating on Psalm 104 and Isaiah 45?

Image credit: Daniel R. Blume

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