Tuesday, April 11, 2017

What Difference Does Easter Make?

Even if we believe Jesus was raised from the dead, so what? What difference does the resurrection make? Why does Easter matter?

Fortunately, we don't have to guess; Jesus told us.

During his ministry, people kept asking Jesus for a sign to validate his authority to teach what he was teaching. He always pointed them to his resurrection (eg, Matt 12:38-40, John 2:18-19). The resurrection was Christ's vindication.

What did he teach that concerns us today?

First, he taught that there will be a day when we will all be judged by God. And we will be judged according to three things:

We will be judged according to our works — the deeds we have done (eg, Matt 5:17-20). We will be judged according to our heart — why we did what we did (eg, Matt 5:21-30). And we will be judged according to how we responded to Christ (eg, Matt 7:21-23). The good news is that responding to Jesus — ie, choosing to trust in and follow him — will mean that you won't be judged according to your actions but his (eg, John 3:16).

Second, he taught that the end is coming. A time will come when people will no longer have a chance to decide what they want to do with Jesus. The choice will have been made. Everyone will, based on how they are judged, experience either everlasting life or everlasting punishment (eg, Matt 13:36-43).

If Christ was really raised from the dead, then how we live our lives matters, and we will be held accountable.

But trusting Jesus means that we are safe from the judgment — Christ has already been held accountable for my sin. Now I will be given credit for his righteousness.

And for those who have trusted in Christ, the resurrection means something else. It means death has been defeated. Death doesn't have to be permanent any more. One day Jesus' people will again live in physical bodies, bodies that will no longer be plagued by the limits of our bodies like age, sickness, or disability. The resurrection means he won, and because he won, we will too.

Sin, where are your shackles?
Death, where is your sting?
Hell has been defeated
The grave could not hold the King! 1

1 from Arise My Love by Eddie Carswell, cf 1Cor 15:54-55.

You may also be interested in:
What is Easter?
Why Do I Believe in the Resurrection of Christ?

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