Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The God of the Poor and Weak

poor girl
Our culture likes to root for the underdog. Our actual track record may be mixed, but in principle, we hate bullies and love people who stand up for the weak. Where do you think we got that?

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Warning to Monsters

a monster approaching in the darkness
If you really want insight into someone’s character, find out what makes them angry. Is it being treated disrespectfully? Do they get mad when they’re inconvenienced? Or do they get angry when other people are mistreated?

A very basic description of the prophetic books of the Old Testament is that God tells the prophet to denounce this or that people because of their behavior. However, looking closer at who is being denounced and for what tells us a lot about what makes God angry.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Joy of Knowledge

woman blindfolded looking at beautiful flowers
Have you ever noticed that experts can enjoy things far more than normal people?

I’m musically inclined; I can read music, play piano poorly, and enjoy singing. I love good music and good performances. I even enjoy a musical episode of TV shows when they’re done well. The CW show The Flash did such an episode, and it was great. Most of the cast sang beautifully, and the songs were cleverly written. Then I came across a YouTube video of a vocal coach reacting to it, and I realized I was watching that episode deaf and blind.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Two Rich Men

man pulling pockets out to show they're empty
Does Christianity require a vow of poverty? That is what some allege. Where do they get that idea, and are they correct?

Some find in what has been called the account of the rich young ruler what they deem to be an “11th commandment.”