Tuesday, February 25, 2025

God and Government

US capitol building
The Bible rarely speaks directly to our political issues, so believers are free to work out their own political views. Obviously we really should let the scriptures shape our political views, but that's a lot of work and much harder than simply mining the Bible for proof texts to support our preexisting views. Many even dispense with the prooftexts, instead using vague, loosely Christian sentiments to ground their political views. OK, that's their right. If you're going to do that, though, be careful that you don't make an all-too-common mistake.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


guard rail on the side of a road overlooking valley
I was about twenty when I decided I really needed to sit down and read through the Bible. I can't tell you how many times I've read through it since then, and yet I am continually coming across passages I don't remember ever having read before. I know I've read them, but the Bible is just so big it's hard to contain it all in your head.

It's easy to forget how massive the Bible is; after all, you can get a version that will fit in your pocket. But when it's printed like a normal book, meaning proper paper and readable font ... well, Crossway used to publish it as a six-volume set. That's a lot to remember. Fortunately the church has produced a way to help us keep the most important things at the forefront.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Preparing the Soil

man plowing field with horses
Jesus' Parable of the Sower is a lot to chew on. In some ways it can be a little terrifying. But it also raises an interesting question in my mind, one I'd like to set before you.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How's Your Threshold?

a yellow house with a red door
The darkness is hungry. She doesn't know, but she can feel the danger, so she hurries. He doesn't mind; he enjoys the hunt. He enjoys her fear. He wants her to know he's there. When he is almost upon her, a door opens, and she rushes in. The door shuts behind her, and he can do no more. She is safe from him, at least this night.

In much vampire lore, the creatures of the night cannot enter a home uninvited. There is something about a home that protects us from them. It turns out there's some truth behind the mythology.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Make the Bible Your Hobby

fishing gear
When someone is passionate about something, you can't help but notice. When they talk about it, some of their enthusiasm might even be infectious. Their interest can make the topic interesting.

I want that to be us. Let's get Christians to be passionate about something in particular. I came across an idea that I want to put before you: Make the Bible your hobby.