Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Blind Men and the Elephant 2.0

You've heard some version of this before:

Some blind men came up to an elephant and tried to figure out what it was. One grabbed the tail and said, "It's like a rope." One felt the ear and said, "It's like a fan." Another found a leg and said, "It's like a tree."

Someone who can see corrects them all: "You're only touching part of it. What you say is true, but you must put it all together to understand the elephant."
This is the Far Eastern version of the story, which is much loved by religious pluralists today. It's a story about how we all know only a little about God. Everyone has different information, and everyone can be correct and incorrect because no one has the whole picture.

But this is the Christian version of the story:
Some blind men came up to an elephant and tried to figure out what it was. One grabbed the tail and said, "It's like a rope." One felt the ear and said, "It's like a fan." Another found a leg and said, "It's like a tree."

Then the elephant began to speak ...
Special revelation makes all the difference.

1 comment:

John Myste said...


I liked the story before the last line, but then I loved it.