Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Lamb of God

The Advent of Jesus Christ: Son of God

You don’t have to read too much about the Messiah to get the notion that this is no ordinary man.

The Messiah was to destroy the work of the devil, unite Jew and gentile, and rule forever with in a righteousness and peace that has never been seen before. The only way He could do all of that was if He was divine.

The child of these prophecies would be no mere mortal; He would be the Son of God.

And because of His divine righteousness, He would be able to be more than a son or a king. This child would be “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Is 53:5-6).
This King “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matt 20:28).

In this season we celebrate more than the birth of a baby. We celebrate the promise of deliverance, of forgiveness. Our debt will be paid. Our sins will be forgiven. God will make a way.


Nancy said...

Lamb of God...
You are Worthy...
To receive, Honor, Glory and Praise...
By Your Blood you have cleansed me...
By Your stripes You have healed me...
By Your Word you renew me..
By Your Name...
You set me free....

Anonymous said...

God’s plan for man

Case point 1.
Gen. 9:5 NIV. This statement is in two parts in this translation and is clearer than most others. In the first part God says that in any case whenever any man's life is taken by bloodshed a factor of recrimination happens. The only result of taking a man's life by bloodshed always recriminates into a responsibility to the constant never changing fact of having to account to God for the former action of taking the life of a human male by bloodshed.

Case point 2.
In the second part of this statement God clarifies that it his set purpose for "each man too"(His plan for each individual) as a future event to "demand an accounting" relative to the fact of one man's life having been taken by bloodshed a constant fact of intent relative to a recrimination.

Case point 3.
In the parable of the Tenants the constant of recrimination is noted by Jesus and related to his death before his death. The son's death does not result in the landlord's lessening his demand for payment instead a formally unknown objective of the landlord is revealed. The intent to take the lives of all individuals involved in taking landlord's son's life lost by bloodshed is the basis for sending his son into the world. Therefore it is not a correct statement to say that Jesus' death was in place of all people at anytime before he was crucified nor after.
The truth by fact is that the crucifixion of Jesus has reconciled to world to God’s intent for putting an end to all people.

Case point 4.
The statement by Jesus before he was crucified "When he comes he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin" states that the world's population remains in the same condition after he was crucified. There is no evidence from him that his death was or has been since in place of any other individuals’ death. The truth relative to Jesus' crucifixion is that by his death having been caused by bloodshed is the fact that that anyone is alive at this time. For if his life had not been taken by bloodshed, which was the greater possibility, considering that the other two did not have their lives taken by bloodshed. God's purpose for each man to account directly to him related to a man’s bloodshed would have been impossible to put into effect.

Case point five is a statement that is not taught by any theologian, theology department nor any Bible teacher in any Bible school, Bible college, or seminary for religious education on the face of this earth. For that reason neither does any preacher in any pulpit ever on any Sunday or any other days, for that matter, teach what the true reason for Jesus' crucifixion actually is. I know what I am saying to you is the fact. If the four previous points have been things you object to, even though I know you do. If you object to this one any possibility for you to escape from the penalty of eternal death is impossible. I know this is the fact. I also know that you are going to resort to researching every commentary, lecture, and everything else but, the Bible, to substantiate that since no church, Bible school, Bible college, or seminary on the face of the earth teaches this teaching from me it cannot be correct. However you will only substantiate that they don't teach this point, which is the true reason for any for any of these things to exist. They exist for one purpose and that purpose is to protect the interest of the archenemy of God.

"Thou hast prepared a table before ME in the presence of mine ENEMIES."
“For their table is a snare and a trap for them.”

And this table sits inside, right down front, in every Christian church in existence. This table serves two purposes for establishing one thing to your mind. First is the fact that Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, his life was taken by bloodshed by the hand of man. No one can deny this fact. Second this table serves for the incrimination of each individual Gentile man through an act of unacceptable worship motivated by the same false belief the Jews were taught to justify Jesus' crucifixion.

"It is a good idea for one man to die to save the nation".

Case point 6.
Therefore the Gentile population along with the Jews by accepting the same false doctrine for truth, Jesus died in your place, both classes of men, the Jews by recrimination to the offense of his crucifixion and the Gentiles by incrimination to that same offense both are unilaterally held to account directly to God by one law. This law carries the penalty of eternal death. It is in plain sight in Heb. 7:12 that relative to a change of the priesthood to make it permanent there has also been a change made to the law of God that is permanent. Since there is no more sacrifice for sin there is also no possibility for an atonement of the law. For Christ has died once. Giving his life for us as the sufficient guilt offering to God. So that it would be reasonable to God to fulfill the law by the addition of one word preventing neither Jew nor Gentile of having any possibility of escaping eternal death by not obeying God’s son.

"For it is not those who hear the law, Repent, who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law, Repent, who will be declared righteous"

Therefore it is only by the faith of accounting directly to God in regard to the sin of Jesus' crucifixion that is acceptable worship by God. For it is the faith to account directly to God that you are sorry Jesus was crucified this is the only Way God can be worshiped in spirit and truth. No man has nor will be declared righteous by God unless he has the faith to confess with his mouth to God that he is sorry Jesus was crucified and be baptized in water as the sign he has accepted this Way or he perishes forever. There is no other way for any man to escape from eternal death.

“For God is not slack concerning his
promise: The guilty shall not go
but he has been patient and long
suffering toward us not willing
that anyone should perish but
that all should come to repentance
regarding that his only begotten
son’s life was lost by bloodshed
by the hand of man.”

Theodore A. Jones

Sand Hill Heights Baptist Church
Elgin, SC

ChrisB said...


1st, your use of $10 words in unusual ways makes your writing harder to read than it might be if you used more $0.50 words.

2nd, if you, or your pastor, is the only person in the world preaching a certain theory, that's not a good sign. I know the Lord said few would find the narrow way, but do you really think he had a few dozen people in mind?

3rd, you get a lot of milage out of Gen 9 while seemingly ignoring 1Pet 3:18, Is 53, Heb 9:28, not to mention large chunks of Paul's writings.

4th, Gen 9:5 is clearly talking about murder. I fail to see how that should relate to the idea of substitutionary atonement.

5th, the parable of the tenants is directed at the people who would kill Christ. That their destruction (probably the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD) was foretold shouldn't be a surprise. Their condemnation was based on their rejection of Christ. So is everyone else's.

6th, please cite your sources. I can't tell if you're combining scriptures or just making them up toward the end.

Sorry I don't have time to go into more detail.