Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ephesians 1: Creation and Calvary

Ephesians 1:3-10 is one of those passages of which I am sure that I could never dig my way to the bottom. Verse 3 starts with a praise to God for the blessing He has given us in Christ; the rest of the paragraph seems to be an elaboration on that notion. Verse 4, then, gives us this gem: “He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”

This whole paragraph repeats the same notion that is so clearly stated here – God has been working on a plan from the beginning. Before the creation of the world He knew about the Fall. Our God was not surprised by Adam’s rebellion, and the cross was not a last ditch effort to save us. Before He made Adam He knew it would lead to the cross. And still He made Adam.

We talk about how low Christ sank and how deep He sacrificed to hang on the cross, and I believe we can only grasp a tiny bit of what it really cost Him, but also we have to remember that His plan from the beginning was to redeem His own. We should never forget that He created man with the cross already on the horizon. What love.

More on Ephesians 1

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