Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Make the Bible Your Hobby

fishing gear
When someone is passionate about something, you can't help but notice. When they talk about it, some of their enthusiasm might even be infectious. Their interest can make the topic interesting.

I want that to be us. Let's get Christians to be passionate about something in particular. I came across an idea that I want to put before you: Make the Bible your hobby.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Visit with the Classics: The Letters of Ignatius

old hand-written letters
It's the early second century, and you've been arrested for being a Christian. You're taking the long road from Antioch in Syria to Rome. Your captors decide to remain in one place for a little while. How do you spend the time? Why, writing letters of course.

What would you write about? Religious freedom? Pleas for help? If you're Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, you write about church unity. He wrote to six churches and one bishop to exhort them to stand strong against division and heresy. But the most interesting things in his letters may be his off-hand comments.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Telling the Gospel

two men talking
Do you have a favorite way to present the gospel? There are lots of good ways to do it, but I've come upon one that I think really has a special appeal.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

A Little Healthy Skepticism

man reading on the internet
It's been over 20 years since The Da Vinci Code burst onto the scene, providing millions with reasons to doubt Christianity. There has long been a cottage industry for providing such reasons, but The Da Vinci Code was bigger than anything that came in the century before it. It's been thoroughly debunked, but there are still people who choose to believe its myths. This should have taught us that the enemies of Christianity are completely willing to traffic in lies, half-truths, and distortions.

At that time, a skeptic had to convince a major publisher to give him a forum. The internet has changed that. Now we have memes on social media and things like YouTube, TikTok, and podcasts that can give an appearance of credibility to ideas that do not warrant it. The modern world is full of dangerous people and dangerous ideas, but it also provides tools to combat them.