Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Prepare for the Race

man with a baton in hand getting ready to start race
Dear friends,

In my last letter I wrote of preparing your mind for battle. Now let’s think about your bodies. Few can get up from a relatively sedentary lifestyle and run a race. You have to slowly prepare your body.

Physical training is uncomfortable and takes a long time, but the results can amaze you. What we need to concern ourselves with now, though, is not physical strength but the lives our physical bodies display before the world around us. Examining and improving our character can be just as difficult and painful as preparing our bodies to fight a war or run a race, but it is essential.

In my previous letter I asked you to remember that we have been set apart by and for God, to be holy as he is holy.a Just as that should change how we think, it should change how we live. Once again, remember the gospel! Our Lord has suffered for our sins, so put them away. Take off the old way of living and put on the robes of Christ’s righteous life.b

So put away malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander.c You once lived the lives of sensuality, dissolution, and idolatry those around you do; don’t live like that anymore.d Certainly none of you should be a criminal or a meddler.e Our God and Father will judge each impartially, so live in the fear of God.f We have confidence in Christ, but do not let that become presumption. Live lives worthy of him.

In your civic lives, be impeccable. We are free in Christ, but do not abuse your freedom. Be respectful to all people; love the brotherhood of believers; fear God; honor the civil leaders.g As long as you can follow their laws without sin, do so.

When suffering inevitably comes, be sure that you suffer for the name of Christ, not because of your own bad behavior. When you suffer for the name of Christ, you share in his sufferings, and you are blessed because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. So rejoice and glorify God that you are in Christ.h

The worldlings around us are watching. Live such lives among them that though they slander you as evildoers, they will give glory to God on the day of his visitation.i

And when you do suffer in your life, remember that Christ is Lord. He is in control, and one day every wrong will be righted. Live like you believe that. They will see. Some will ask about the hope you have; be ready to tell them about it.j

If this sounds hard, remember that we do not do it for no reason or for our own sakes. We live for the sake of the one who died for us. Strive to honor him in all you do and you will not go wrong.

Love in Christ,
Your brother in Babylon

a 1Pet 1:16
b 1Pet 4:1
c 1Pet 2:1
d 1Pet 4:3
e 1Pet 4:15
f 1Pet 1:17
g 1Pet 2:16-17
h 1Pet 4:12-16
i 1Pet 2:12
j 1Pet 3:15

Image via Unsplash

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